Backyard Bird Ensthusiasts - Northern Shrike resting on branch

Winter Backyard Bird Enthusiasts

From the beginning of December to the end of February it is an exciting time for backyard bird enthusiasts and bird watchers alike. It’s a time when most migratory birds and passing migrants have flown south, and more northern migrants arrive to spend the season in milder temperatures. There are also some bird species that live in the Maritimes year-round that are more easily seen in colder temperatures than in any other season.

This seasonal transition makes for an especially rewarding time for backyard bird enthusiasts, because these winter birds are only seen during colder months and welcome the opportunity to find an easy snack at feeders.

As the colder weather approaches, prepare your backyard for winter birds by:

  1. Inspecting and cleaning feeders.
  2. Cleaning the surrounding area where birds perch and feed.
  3. Switching to winter friendly bird feeders.
  4. Switching to winter bird seed that is higher in oil and calories.
  5. Providing a fresh water source.
  6. Adding windbreaks and other shelters for birds to escape poor weather.

For a more detailed look at each of these tips, see our related articles below.

Related Articles

Feeding Wild Birds in Winter
Best Winter Bird Feeders
Best Winter Bird Seed
How To Properly Store Bird Seed
Keep Feeding Areas Clean and Maintained
Keep Backyard Birds Healthy in Winter

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