Beating The January Blues with Your Pet

Now that life has started to slow down again, we are snapped back to the reality of shorter days, cold temperatures and a lack of sunlight. January is often referred to as the most depressing month of the year, with “Blue Monday” dubbed the saddest day. Fortunately for us pet lovers, our furry companions can significantly help beat the January blues! Here is our list of things you can do with your pets to bring you some joy this winter:

Get Some Sun
It is recommended that humans get 5-30 minutes of sunlight several times per week to remain healthy. Vitamin D is also essential for the health of our pets, and a great way to ensure you’re both getting the amount you need is by getting outside for a mid-day walk each day! With the sunlight hours being so short in the winter, making it a priority to get outside and soak up some sunshine will help boost your mood.

When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins responsible for your happiness. Evidence shows that even 10 minutes of light exercise, such as walking or stretching, can help boost energy levels, alertness and mood. Exercise isn’t just great for you; it’s also essential for your pet’s well-being! Going for a walk each day or playing a game of fetch in the yard are great ways for you and your pet to exercise and release those happy endorphins!

We all know that eating healthy, nutritious food is great for our physical health, but did you know that it is also essential for our mental well-being? Some vital mood-boosting nutrients that you can incorporate into your and your pet’s diet are:
Omega 3’s – Healthy fats are vital for helping our brains to function and manage our moods. A great source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish and fish oils. Incorporate this into your pet’s diet with supplements like Thrive herring oil, available at Feeds’n Needs!
Magnesium – Helps support healthy brain growth and development, including our memory and ability to learn and form new connections. Magnesium is found in leafy greens like curly kale and broccoli, and it is an excellent supplement to incorporate into your winter diet.
B Vitamins – These vitamins play an essential role in the production of chemicals that affect our mood and other brain functions. Foods such as beef, chicken and liver are rich in B vitamins. If you’re looking for a supplement incorporating B vitamins, magnesium, and more into your pet’s diet, Omega Alpha’s OptiPet Multi is the perfect supplement. It is available at your local Feeds’n Needs!

Bond With Your Pet
When we bond and connect with others, such as a loved one or pet, the happiness hormone oxytocin is released, boosting our mood. Bonding with our pets is a terrific way to deepen our connection with them and foster feelings of happiness and love. There are many ways you can bond with your pets, but here are some of our favourites:
Teach Them a New Trick – Spend time training your pet a cool new trick!
Play Games – Games like Hide ‘n Treat, where you hide your pet’s favourite treats around the house for them to seek out, provide mental stimulation and is a great opportunity for them to work for their food, nurturing their natural instincts to hunt.
Interactive Toys – These puzzle-style toys offer great mental stimulation. They can help reduce boredom-related habits like chewing and barking.
Cuddles – We saved the best for last! Nothing beats cuddling up with your furry friend on a cold winter day.

Make Homemade Treats
One fun activity we love doing with our pets on a cold, snowy day is making them DIY healthy treats! Check out our recipe for DIY Pumpkin Dog Treats.

Random Acts of Kindness
Studies have shown that performing simple acts of kindness can boost self-esteem, reduce stress, and increase happiness. This time of year can be especially difficult, so spread some happiness wherever you go, whether it be paying a stranger a compliment or helping at your local animal shelter. These gestures can significantly impact the receiver while bringing you some cheer at the same time!

Whether it’s getting outside for a walk, indulging in a snuggle session, or trying out new activities together, spending quality time with your furry friend can lift your spirits and bring a sense of warmth to the season. Embrace the joy your pet brings and use this time to bond, play, and create memories that will help chase away those January blues. Remember: a happy pet often leads to a happier you!

Feeds'n Needs Team