Fall Bulb Planting

You might feel like the gardening season is winding down, but an excellent fall task is to plant bulbs so they can thrive from winter chilling and get their roots started before spring warmth helps them emerge. Certain spring flowers are called “dormant perennials.” They need the cool, moist autumn soil to awaken them from their dormancy so they can begin growing roots in preparation for the spring show. You can even plant a few vegetable bulbs in the fall that will thrive in the early summer with this extra growing time. This blog covers what you need to know to start your fall bulb planting!

When to Plant Bulbs in the Fall
The best time to plant fall bulbs is when soils are below 15°C in the late fall or about six weeks before a hard frost is expected. This is usually during September and October (Halloween is a reasonable deadline to set).

How to Plant Bulbs in the Fall
Planting bulbs is generally an easy task, but there are some things that you want to get right. Here are tips to keep in mind:

  • Bulbs need at least partial sun throughout the spring. They look beautiful growing beneath trees (before the trees leaf out), amidst wildflowers, and mixed with spring annuals in containers.
  • Bulbs need a spot with good drainage, or they may rot. Before planting, work a few inches of compost into the soil for nutrients and drainage, especially if you have heavy clay soil. If your soil is sandy, plant bulbs slightly deeper; in clay soils, slightly shallower.
  • Plant bulbs with the point facing up! Examine bulbs carefully before placing them in the planting hole, being sure to set them with the roots facing down.
  • Consider the bloom time for each bulb (early spring, mid-spring, late spring) and plant bulbs with different bloom times so that you have flowers throughout spring!
  • Place shorter bulbs in the front of beds and borders.
  • Plant bulbs generously in case some do not sprout (or are devoured by hungry squirrels). Plant them randomly and with varied spacing for a more natural appearance.

Best Bulbs to Plant in the Fall

  • Daffodils
  • Crocuses
  • Snowdrops
  • Tulips
  • Hyacinths
  • Irises
  • Alliums (Ornamental Onions)
  • Garlic
  • Shallot

For more gardening tips, visit your local Feeds’n Needs and chat with one of our Experts!

Check out our other blogs on fall gardening:
Fall Garden Checklist
Seeds for Fall Planting Season

10 Common Backyard Birding Mistakes

Attracting birds to your yard can be entertaining and fun, but common mistakes can prevent birds from coming to your feeders. Simple, overlooked mistakes can prevent you from enjoying the entertainment of a variety of feathered friends. Here are 10 common backyard birding mistakes that people make:

  1. Forgetting to Provide Water
    Birds rely on both food and water for survival. Having a water source for them to drink and bathe along with food will make your backyard the ideal location for your feathered friends. Birdbaths placed near feeders will attract more birds to the area. Even in the winter, birds still need a water source. Use a heated birdbath to keep the water from freezing in the cooler months.
  2. Irregular Cleaning of Feeders
    Feeders should be cleaned thoroughly at least every two weeks, and more often in wet weather. This is especially true for open platform feeders, which should be cleaned weekly all year round. Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned weekly. Regular cleaning can help prevent bacteria from growing, which is harmful to birds. Take apart your feeder and use hot soapy water to clean thoroughly. Make sure to rinse well after cleaning.
  3. Not Changing Out Seed
    Change the seed in a dry seed feeder every 5-7 days to avoid mold, bacteria, or bugs in the feeders. Always wash your hands after handling bird supplies and feeders. If feeders are left empty for long periods, birds will look elsewhere for their next meal.
  4. Not Feeding the Birds in the Winter
    Not all birds migrate, and the ones that stick around in the winter become reliant on regular food sources from backyards. Never put away your feeder in the winter, as natural food sources are more limited during the colder months. Change up the food type you provide to black oil sunflower seeds, suet, or fruit and nut blends for energy for the birds to stay warm.
  5. Using Dye in Your Hummingbird Feeders
    For hummingbirds, use clear nectar with red hummingbird feeders. Colored dye can be harmful to these little birds. You can even make sugar water (equal parts sugar and water) that they will enjoy or plant a specific flower that attracts hummingbirds.
  6. Not Providing Shelter
    Birds need natural shelter from shrubs, trees, and bushes to give them somewhere to feel safe from predators.
  7. Keeping Bird Feeders to Close to Your House
    If a feeder is too close to windows or the sides of a house, it could cause harm to a bird if they fly into a window. Birds might also avoid feeders if they are too close to people. Keep some distance between your bird feeders and your home.
  8. Not Targeting the Birds You Want to See
    If there is a specific bird you want to see in your yard, include that bird’s favorite food to target them. Visit your local Feeds’n Needs to check out our Wild Bird Chart to learn more about what food specific birds enjoy.
  9. Feeding Bread to Birds
    Birds get energy from a balanced diet of protein-packed seeds, bugs, nuts, and fruits. Do not feed birds bread, as it only provides them with empty calories.
  10. Not Having Birdhouses or Nesting Areas
    Birdhouses, shrubs, and trees are great for nesting birds in the springtime. Most birds return to the same nesting spot – if you make a good one, you’ll have birds for years to come.

Feeds’n Needs is your one-stop destination for all the essentials to keep your backyard feathered friends happy! You’ll find that feeding the birds is even more rewarding when you join our Wild Bird Seed Club and start earning $10 off after every $200 you spend on bird seed. Stop into your local Feeds’ n Needs and ask one of our Experts for details on the loyalty program and how you can get started feeding the birds!

Basic Guide to Gerbil Care

Gerbils are playful and curious little animals that are easy to care for and make great pets for children. In this blog, we will provide a basic guide to gerbil care, so you have all the information you need before bringing home your tiny new companion!

Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet Gerbil

  • Gerbils are very social animals and should live in pairs of 2 or more. It’s best to get littermates or adopt young gerbils of similar ages so that they can grow up together. If you already have a gerbil or pair of adult gerbils, it can be challenging to introduce a new one as they are very territorial creatures and may fight each other.
  • Gerbils can reproduce quickly, so it’s best to keep only same-sex pairs together in an enclosure.
  • The lifespan of a gerbil is 2 – 4 years on average.
  • Adult gerbils grow to 4 inches long, with their long hairy tails adding an additional 4 inches.

Gerbils are known for their love of digging and burrowing, and a great way to nurture these natural instincts is to house your gerbils in a large glass tank or aquarium with a secure wire lid. It is recommended that 5 gallons of space be provided per gerbil. An enclosure that is 16″ wide by 30″ long and 12″ tall is the minimum size needed for a pair of gerbils.
Wire cages will also work to house gerbils. However, because of their digging habits, they may end up kicking bedding through the metal bars, making a mess. Make sure to choose a wire cage with bars narrow enough that your gerbils can’t escape through them but not so close together that they could get body parts stuck between them.
Plastic cages are not recommended for gerbils as they are easily chewed and destroyed and don’t provide adequate ventilation.
Gerbils should also have a nest box in their enclosure where they can hide out and sleep. Nest boxes should be made of sturdy materials like wood or ceramic.

Since they love to dig and burrow, fill your gerbil’s enclosure ¾ of the way full with bedding like small animal paper bedding or aspen shavings. Avoid using pine or cedar shavings, as well as bedding that has been chemically dyed, as these can be harmful to your gerbils.
You can also add additional nesting materials like dye and scent-free toilet paper, paper towels and tissues that your gerbils can shred and build nests with. Spot-clean any soiled bedding daily, and thoroughly clean the enclosure with mild soap and hot water once weekly. Pick up some Boxo comfort paper bedding and gerbil-safe aspen shavings at Feeds’n Needs!

Food & Water
The best way to provide your gerbils with a healthy, balanced diet is to offer them quality dry food formulated for gerbils. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended feeding guide to feed your gerbils a daily portion of food. Place their daily food allowance in a ceramic or metal bowl or scatter it around their enclosure to encourage their natural foraging instincts! Fresh fruits, veggies and seeds like peas, broccoli, apples and sunflower seeds can be given as treats in limited quantities. Remove any uneaten treats after a few hours to prevent spoilage.
Your gerbils should always have access to fresh water in a sipper bottle that attaches to the side of their enclosure. Refresh their water daily, and thoroughly clean their water bottle once weekly when you clean their enclosure.
Pick up a bag of quality gerbil food, like Sunburst hamster and gerbil food, at Feeds’n Needs. While you’re there, don’t forget to grab some gerbil treats and a drinking bottle, too!

Exercise & Enrichment
Gerbils are playful and active little animals, and they need lots of enriching toys and climbing materials to keep them happy and healthy. Since their teeth never stop growing, they should always have access to things to chew on, like wooden toys, toilet paper tubes and other safe materials to wear them down. Include lots of things for them to climb and play on in their enclosure, like ramps, ladders and platforms to keep them active. Exercise wheels are another great way to keep them active and fit; choose a wheel with a solid surface in which your gerbils won’t get their tail or other body parts stuck.
Visit your local Feeds’ n Needs and check out our small animal toys and enrichment accessories selection!

Gerbils spend a great deal of time grooming themselves and often groom their cage mates. They do not need baths; however, if your gerbil gets something in its fur and needs to be cleaned, you can use a damp cloth to gently rub the area clean.

Health Concerns
Gerbils are generally healthy animals. However, there are a few common health issues that you should be aware of:

  • Injuries like broken bones or injured tail
  • Digestive diseases
  • Skin issues
  • Seizures
  • Kidney disease in adult gerbils
  • Inner ear mass in adult / elderly gerbils

If you suspect your gerbil may be in poor health, please get in touch with your small animal veterinarian.

Gerbils are usually quite gentle, only biting on the rare occasion that they may feel threatened. Gerbils can be easily hand-tamed using positive reinforcement techniques, often involving many treats! When you first bring your gerbil home, allow them a couple of days to settle in before you begin training them.

Now that you’ve learned all the basics of owning and caring for pet gerbils, you should be ready to bring home your new furry friend! Make Feeds’n Needs your go-to stop for all your small animal needs, and be sure to ask one of our experts any questions you may have!

If you love to learn, check out our blog. We are always adding more helpful advice, such as how-tos and DIYs: feedsnneeds.ca/experts-advice/

Keeping Backyard Birds Hydrated

When it comes to backyard birding, providing fresh water is often overlooked. Along with nourishing food and safe shelter, water is vital in attracting a variety of birds to your backyard. As temperatures rise during summer, birds in your yard encounter challenges such as staying hydrated and finding cool spots to rest. This blog covers tips to assist backyard birds during the hottest days.

Importance of Water for Backyard Birds
Fresh water is essential for wild birds, especially on hot summer days, as they face increased challenges in staying hydrated. Water serves multiple purposes for birds, including:

  • Drinking: Essential for hydration.
  • Bathing: Helps clean feathers for optimal flight and insulation.
  • Feathering: Assists in molting and feather growth.
  • Cooling: Vital for temperature regulation during hot weather.

Setting Up a Bird Watering Station
Choosing an appropriate location encourages birds to bathe and drink without disturbances. Offering various water sources like bird baths, drippers, misters, ponds, water gardens, and fountains can attract a diverse range of birds to your backyard.

Maintaining Water Sources
Cleanliness: Ensure water sources are clean to prevent disease spread.

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean bird baths and water sources often to remove algae, droppings, and debris.
  • Use of Brushes: Employ brushes to scrub hard-to-reach areas.
  • Safe Cleaning Agents: Use non-toxic, bird-friendly cleaning agents for disinfection.

Fresh Water:

  • Daily Refills: Change water daily to maintain freshness.
  • Shallow Depth: Maintain a depth of 1-2 inches for easy wading and splashing, providing relief for small birds.

Encouraging Birds to Use Water Sources

  • Native Plantings: Surround water sources with native shrubs and trees to provide natural shelter.
  • Bird Perches: Install perches near water sources to give birds a place to rest and survey before approaching.

Ensuring birds have access to clean, fresh water, high-energy food, ample shelter, and shade is crucial for supporting them during hot weather. Regular maintenance of feeders and water sources is essential to prevent disease and maintain a bird-friendly environment in your garden.

By consistently offering food and water and maintaining a bird-friendly environment year-round, birds will recognize your yard as a reliable sanctuary. This ongoing care not only supports their survival during extreme weather but also encourages them to return, creating a vibrant space for bird watching and enjoyment.

For more information on backyard birding, check out our other blogs:
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard
Keep Feeding Areas Clean and Maintained
How to Properly Store Bird Seed

Understanding Heat Stress in Chickens

Heat stress is a serious concern that can severely impact the health and productivity of chickens in the summer months. As a responsible poultry keeper, understanding the causes, signs, and preventative measures of heat stress in chickens is essential to ensure the well-being of your birds, even on the hottest days. In this blog, you’ll learn all about heat stress and what you can do to keep your flock cool this summer.

What is Heat Stress?
Heat stress occurs when a chicken’s body temperature exceeds the normal range of 105°F to 107°F, which puts excessive stress on the chicken’s body systems. As the body temperature rises, this pressure increases which can lead to organ damage, decreased egg production and potentially death. Several factors can affect a chicken’s tolerance to heat, including age, breed, genetics, and whether or not preventative measures have been taken to avoid heat stress.

Causes of Heat Stress in Chickens:
While we know that rising body temperatures cause it, there are several factors that may cause heat stress in chickens:

  • High ambient temperatures
  • High humidity levels
  • Poor coop ventilation
  • Overcrowding
  • Lack of shaded areas
  • Lack of water access
  • Age & breed of birds

What Are the Symptoms of Heat Stress in Chickens?
Knowing the signs and symptoms of heat stress is crucial to prevent illness and potential death in your flock. Let’s take a look at some of the telltale symptoms to watch for:
Panting & Rapid Breathing—During heat stress, chickens may exhibit rapid, open-mouth breathing in an attempt to dissipate internal heat.
Pale Comb & Wattles—Since the comb and wattles are the only parts of a chicken’s body that have direct skin-to-air access, extra body heat can escape through them, making the skin appear shriveled and pale.
Outspread & Drooping Wings—Holding their wings away from their body in a drooped position allows more airflow to their skin, releasing trapped heat through evaporative cooling.
Seeking Shade & Prolonged Resting—Most activity generates heat, so your chickens may seek a shady spot to rest during hot weather. You may notice them spending less time roaming and more time lying down and resting, and this is because they are trying to reduce heat production and conserve what little energy they may have. If your chickens become lethargic and aren’t moving, this may indicate that heat stress has progressed to heat stroke and immediate action must be taken.
Eating Less, Drinking More—Since bodily processes like eating and digestion generate heat through metabolic heat production, you may find that your chickens eat less during hot weather. However, they may increase their water intake by 2-4 times their normal amount when they are hot, as drinking cool water helps cool them down from the inside out.
Decreased Egg Production—High temperatures can take a toll on the reproductive function of hens, and they may stop laying eggs if their bodies experience heat stress. Additionally, because eggs are mostly made up of water, a dehydrated, heat-stressed hen won’t have enough body moisture to keep producing eggs.
Diarrhea—Heat stress can disrupt digestive processes in chickens due to reduced feed digestion and electrolyte imbalances. This can result in diarrhea, which may cause your chicken to become dehydrated from moisture loss in the body.
Increased Vocalization—Chickens in distress from heat stress may become more vocal as they try to express their discomfort and seek relief from the heat.

How to Prevent Heat Stress in Chickens:
Knowing how to prevent heat stress and being proactive in preparing for hot weather is imperative to the health and productivity of your flock during the summer months. By implementing these preventative measures, you could save your feathered friends’ lives!
Provide Lots of Water—Offer fresh, cool water to your chickens at all times and allow them to drink it freely. Try to place waterers in shady spots. You can even add a few ice cubes to the water to keep it cool for your flock. Just be careful not to add too many, as icy cold water may be a shock to the body of a hot chicken. Pick up some extra chicken waterers at your local Feeds’n Needs!
*Bonus—Offer cold treats to your chickens on hot days! Things like cold watermelon slices, ice cube treats with fruits and vegetables, or adding tasty snacks like peas or dried mealworms to a bowl of cold water are great ways to help your chickens keep cool and encourage them to stay hydrated.
Supplement Electrolytes—When chickens experience intense heat, their electrolyte levels can become imbalanced. Electrolytes are essential to maintaining normal bodily functions and hydration. On hot days, add a water-soluble electrolyte supplement such as Electrovite or Stress ADE to your chicken’s water to help maintain healthy electrolyte levels. Find these supplements and more at Feeds’n Needs.
Avoid Overcrowding—When many chickens are kept together in a crowded space, their body temperature is elevated by the temperatures of all the birds around them. This is why it is important to make sure that you can provide your chickens with lots of space, especially on hot days. If having them free range isn’t an option, ensure your coop or run allows 8 square feet per bird to prevent overcrowding.
Proper Coop Ventilation—Ensuring your coop is well ventilated to allow lots of airflow is important, especially on hot days when heat stress is a concern. When ventilating your coop, keep predator safety in mind and make sure no predators can get to your flock. If you are able to run electricity to your coop, consider setting up a fan to give your chickens an extra cool breeze!
Provide Shade & Cooling Measures—Make sure your chickens have access to shady areas to rest and relax on hot days! Whether it be natural shade sources like trees and shrubs or man-made shade sources like awnings or a tarp strung up over the run, your chickens will appreciate having a place to rest away from direct sunlight. Additionally, implement cooling measures like shallow pools of water or misters around the yard for your flock to take advantage of in the heat!
Adjust Their Feeding Schedule—Since eating and the whole digestion process generates heat, consider feeding your chickens in the morning and evening when the temperatures may be a bit lower.
Provide Dust Baths—Dust bathing keeps chickens’ feathers clean and healthy and helps them regulate their body temperature by kicking cool soil onto their skin. On hot days, provide your chickens with dust baths in shaded areas; they’ll definitely appreciate it!
Monitor Environmental Conditions and Chicken’s Behavior—By monitoring the outdoor temperature and humidity levels, you will be better prepared to implement heat stress preventative measures for your flock when necessary. Additionally, closely monitoring your chickens for signs and symptoms that may indicate heat stress and jumping into action if needed could save the lives of your birds!

Now that you have learned all about heat stress in chickens, you should be well equipped to take the proper precautions to prevent your flock from suffering in the heat. Drop by your local Feeds’n Needs store to stock up on emergency supplies like extra waterers and electrolyte supplements so you and your chickens will be well prepared for the next heat wave!

Tips for Camping with Your Dog

Camping with your dog can be an enriching experience with adventure and bonding opportunities. However, it requires careful planning and preparation to ensure you and your furry friend have a safe and enjoyable trip. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential steps you must take when heading into the great outdoors with your canine companion. We’ve got you covered, from packing the gear to understanding campsite etiquette. So, grab your leash and get ready for an unforgettable camping journey with your dog!

Find Pet-Friendly Campsites & Activities
Before you can plan your camping trip, you need to find out if your campground allows dogs and, if so, if there are any specific rules they may have, such as how many dogs are permitted at a campsite, leash laws, if there are designated K9 potty areas, etc.
Additionally, you should check if the hiking trails or attractions you have planned for your trip allow dogs. Leashed dogs are usually permitted; however, checking beforehand and planning your trip from there is always best.

Pack The Right Camping Gear
When camping with dogs, packing the right gear is critical for ensuring your trip is a success. Let’s break down some of the basic essentials:
Tent—Make sure your tent is big enough for everyone to sleep comfortably. When deciding what size tent to bring, consider the size of your dog (or dogs) and how many people will be camping with you.
Floor Mats—Dogs have sharp claws that could potentially poke holes in your tent flooring. Lining your tent floor with inexpensive indoor/outdoor floor mats can prevent holes and make tent cleanup much easier!
Sleep Setup—The key to a great night’s rest while camping is ensuring everyone has a comfortable place to sleep! If you’re not keen on sharing a bed with your dog, give them their own place to sleep – whether it be a dog bed from home, their own inflatable sleeping pad or a cot with blankets. Make sure they’ll be able to keep warm if the temperature drops overnight and bring a cooling pad for them in case it gets hot. Find your dog a cozy bed to keep them comfy at Feeds’n Needs!
* Pro TipEnsure your dog gets lots of exercise during the day to help tire them out for bedtime!
Tie-Outs—Since most campgrounds require dogs to be on a leash at all times, a tie-out for the campsite makes it easy to keep your dog from running off without you having to hold a leash. Tie-outs can be attached to ground stakes or a tree (if there are any on your campsite), or you can create a “zipline” by attaching a tie out to 2 trees and clipping another tie out to it; that way, your dog has more freedom to move about the campsite. Consider placing your dog’s bed or camp chair outside so they can rest comfortably off the ground. Stop by your local Feeds ‘n Needs and check out our selection of tie-outs and ground stakes!
* Disclaimer—Never leave your dog tied up for prolonged periods of time or unsupervised at the campsite.
Food, Water & Accessories—Portion out each meal your dog will eat while camping in Ziploc baggies to make mealtime quick and easy – especially when you’re on the go! Store the baggies of food in a rolltop storage bag or airtight container to keep unwanted critters away from it. Collapsable food and water bowls are great for camping as they take up little space, and some can even clip to your backpack! Be sure to bring lots of drinking water for you and your dog, and try to avoid letting them drink from streams or puddles as they can be host to disease.
* Pro Tip – In the event you run out of clean drinking water, you can purify water from rivers, lakes, or streams by boiling it and making sure it stays at a rolling boil for at least one minute.
Leashes, Collars & ID—Make sure you pack your pet’s collar, leash, and harness before you go. Consider packing an extra collar and leash as a backup. Additionally, make sure your pet’s collar has an up-to-date ID tag. If they’re microchipped, ensure that information is also up to date. If you have a GPS-tracking collar for your dog, you can bring that along, too. If your dog gets lost while on your trip, making sure they can be identified when found is important. Be prepared by getting your pet ID tags made at Feeds’ n Needs! (Select Locations)
First Aid & Safety—Their safety is a top priority when camping or doing anything outdoors with your dog! Before you leave for your trip, research where the nearest 24-hour emergency vet is and write down their contact information. It is also recommended that you bring a doggie first aid kit with you. You can purchase these or easily make your own, including things like gauze and self-adhering wound wrap, antibacterial wipes or spray, tweezers, a tick remover, hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if your dog ingests anything harmful, children’s Benadryl for allergic reactions (ask your vet about dosage), and any medications prescribed by your veterinarian. It may also be a good idea to include special paperwork such as your dog’s vaccination records and proof of ownership with your first aid kit in case you need it. Check out the selection of animal health and first aid supplies at your local Feeds ‘n Needs and start building your own K9 first aid kit!

Other Things to Pack:

  • Poop Bags (Lots!)
  • Dog Treats to reward good behaviour
  • Dog Toys to keep them occupied at the campsite
  • Dog backpack so your dog can help carry their own supplies
  • Bug repellant (Dog safe)
  • Lighting (headlamps, glow collar to see your dog at night)
  • Cooling vest to keep your pooch cool in the heat
  • Raincoat for your dog in case it rains
  • Dog boots to protect their paws from rough terrain, hot pavement, or hot sand
  • Towel to dry your dog off if they get wet or dirty

Practice & Prepare Before You Go
Being well-prepared for your trip before you leave is the best way to ensure you have everything you need once you get there. Make a list of all the supplies you need to bring and double check that you’ve got everything before you head out. If your dog has never been camping with you before, they may benefit from some practice at home. Set up your tent in your backyard and camp out for the night with your dog to get them used to the sounds and experience of being in a tent. You can also plan a few day trips hiking or adventuring with your dog to get them better prepared for the big camping trip! At the end of the day, patience will be essential when taking your dog camping. New surroundings and smells can overwhelm them, so give them time to adjust and reward them with lots of treats and praise along the way!

Camping Etiquette
Once you arrive at the campground, it is important to be respectful of your fellow campers and hikers. Being mindful of your dog’s barking at late hours, respecting leash laws, and picking up after your dog are all ways to practice good camping etiquette while on your trip.
Camping with your dog can be a fantastic adventure. With the right preparation and our expert advice in mind, you and your furry friend are sure to enjoy a safe, fun-filled trip, making memories to last a lifetime! Stop by one of our 14 Feeds ‘n Needs locations across the Maritimes to pick up some of these K9 camping essentials! Stay safe and happy camping!

Ready to explore more expert advice topics? Check out these similar posts!
Road Trip Safety for Your Dog
Animal Welfare During a Heat Wave
Water Safety for Dogs

Tackling Your Dog’s Car Anxiety

When travelling with your dog, car anxiety can make the trip stressful for both you and your pet. Signs of car anxiety in dogs include car sickness, excessive drooling, barking, whining, and other anxious behaviors. Don’t worry—we’ve got some solutions to help with tackling your dog’s car anxiety for a good road trip experience for everyone!

Identifying travel anxiety in your pet can range from mild to severe and can be very different for each dog. These symptoms often include the following:

  • Refusal to get into the car.
  • Moderate to severe whining, crying, or barking.
  • Excessive drooling, panting, lip licking, or yawning.
  • Possible urination or defecation in the car.
  • Shivering or panic.
  • Trying to escape the vehicle through the window or the second the door opens.
  • Chewing or licking themselves.
  • Destructive behaviours.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

How to Reduce Your Dog’s Car Anxiety
It’s important to address the issue and learn how to calm your dog in the car as soon as you notice symptoms of car anxiety. Develop a positive reaction to your vehicle before they get into it. Try the following step-by-step guide to help ensure you have a happy pup!

  • Walk slowly towards the car and reward your dog with their favourite toy or treats as they approach your vehicle. Repeat this process until your dog feels comfortable.
  • Open the door of your car and reward your dog. Slowly walk away with your dog sitting next to the vehicle and repeat this step several times.
  • Once your dog can stand next to the car with the door open, encourage them to investigate the vehicle on their own. As they do this, talk to them and reassure them with their favourite toy or treats.
  • While your dog is in the car, close the door briefly and then open it again. Repeat this process until your dog can comfortably stay in the car for a minute.
  • If your dog remains calm, enter the front seat and start the car. Reward your dog and then turn off the engine.
  • Start the car once more before trying to drive a short distance. Reward your dog every time you bring the vehicle to a stop, gradually increasing the journey time if they remain calm.
  • Practice makes perfect.

Additionally, give your dog a puzzle toy to keep them busy during the journey, take regular breaks, avoid loud music, and keep the car cool. It’s also important to exercise your dog before the trip, consider calming treats or oils, and consult your Vet if your dog experiences motion sickness.
If your dog experiences motion sickness in the car, it’s important to talk to your Vet about which method might work best for your pup. Using a car seat cover can help prevent stains and prevent you from having to clean the seats of your vehicle. Many dogs even find comfort in the materials of car seat covers, allowing them to be even more comfortable.

These are just some simple tips, but practicing with your dog to help them feel more at ease about travelling in a vehicle will ensure road trips are much more pleasant for everyone! Be sure to pack water to keep your dog hydrated, and never leave your dog unattended in your car for any reason, especially during warmer weather, as this can lead to heat stroke and even death.
Visit your local Feeds’ n Needs to find products that can help your dog have a positive car experience. If you have any questions, ask the Experts during your visit.

Check out our blog on Road Trip Safety for Your Dog for more advice on keeping your dog healthy and happy in the car.

A Guide to Watering Pigs in the Summer

Ensuring your pigs have access to fresh drinking water at all times can feel like a never-ending challenge. These mud-loving animals are notorious for being able to tip over water troughs and buckets with their brute strength. How can you avoid this and be sure your pigs have clean water to drink 24/7? Our guide to watering pigs in the summer offers tips, tricks and products to keep your pigs cool and hydrated all summer!

Why Do Pigs Need Access to Water at All Times?

Did you know that pigs don’t have functional sweat glands? This means that instead of sweating, pigs must find other ways to keep cool to avoid heat stress and maintain healthy bodily functions. In the summer months, when the temperature may exceed 25 degrees Celsius, pigs can consume two times more water than they would on a cooler day. This is because the cool water helps them regulate their body temperature. Pigs love to roll around in mud and water because when they get wet, a process called “evaporative cooling” takes place, which helps the pig maintain a normal body temperature.

How Much Water Do Pigs Need Each Day?

How much water a pig needs to drink daily can vary based on several factors. Age, size, weather, and what the pig is eating are all things that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to swine water requirements. The chart below is a basic guide to pigs’ daily water requirements; however, our experts still recommend talking to your farm vet to help you determine your pigs’ water requirements.

Watering Systems for Pigs
Depending on how many pigs you have and how your farm is set up, there are several different ways to deliver constant fresh drinking water to your pigs. Let’s go over the best manual and automatic watering systems for swine:

Manual Watering Systems for Pigs – A manual watering system is something like a trough, bucket or tub that requires you to clean and refill daily. Whatever you use as a manual waterer must be durable and heavy so your pigs can’t damage or knock it over. The sides need to be low enough for the smaller pigs to be able to drink from but high enough to prevent mud or bedding from contaminating the water. Try placing a couple of cinder blocks at the bottom of your trough or tub to weigh them down and provide footing for any pigs who may accidentally fall in.

Automatic Watering Systems for Pigs – Automatic watering systems provide a continuous flow of drinking water for your pigs without the hassle of having to clean and refill a tub or trough. Pig water nipples and drinking cups are examples of popular and effective automatic watering systems that have animal-activated stem valves to ensure that your pigs are getting water when they need it without spilling everywhere and making a mess. These valves can be screwed into a garden hose and attached to the wall of your pig pen at a height of roughly two inches above where the shoulder of your smallest pig would reach. If your barn doesn’t have the option of running water through a hose, you can hook up your pig water nipples or cups to the side of a large plastic water barrel. You can even hook up your barrel to a rain barrel outside the barn to keep it filling automatically. Additionally, these auto waterers can be hooked up to large livestock tanks to provide water to pigs who may be on pasture.

Sometimes, all it takes are the right tools and a bit of creativity when it comes to pig watering solutions, so stop by your local Feeds’n Needs and chat with one of our Experts about which watering system may work best for your pigs. We’re here to help!

Be sure to check out our other blogs, where you’ll find helpful information on a wide range of topics!

Preparing for Your New Kitten

Adjusting to a new home can be a major transition for your kitten. Preparing for your new kitten is essential to help them settle and stay safe in their new environment.  As you prepare for your new kitten’s arrival, there is a lot to do to ensure you have the right supplies and get your home and family ready. Key things to consider are kitten-proofing your home, buying the right kitten supplies, choosing appropriate food, and preparing your family and pets for your new addition. Our blog will teach you some tips on preparing for your new kitten and giving your furry friend the best start in life.

How to Kitten Proof Your Home?

Kittens are curious creatures and love to climb, explore and hide, so it’s important to do some kitten-proofing of your home before you pick up your new family member to ensure it’s safe for them. Here is our checklist to help you prepare:

Remove Serious Hazards—Electrical wires and outlets can be hard to manage as many are at ground level. Kittens and cats are attracted to loose wires and cables. Consider taping the wires to baseboards or the underside of tables and desks. Add covers to plug sockets to avoid any possible hazards.

Poisonous Foods—Many human foods can be toxic to cats or cause digestive issues, including onions, garlic, raw eggs, raw meat, chocolate, grapes, and raisins. Keep these foods out of your kitten’s reach and only feed them the proper kitten food.

Toxic House Plants—Some house plants can be highly toxic to cats; common ones include lilies, aloe vera, amaryllis, cutleaf philodendron, pothos, jade plants, snake plant, sago palm, english ivy, dieffenbachia, kalanchoe, lily of the valley, hyacinth, oleander, yew, tulips, daffodils, chrysanthemum, and poinsettias. Ask your veterinarian for a complete list of toxic house plants for cats. Remove these plants from your home before your new kitten’s arrival.

Dangerous Substances—Ensure medicine, cleaning products, and other toxic substances are stored safely. Some flea treatments for dogs can be dangerous to cats, and antifreeze is lethal. If you have any traps for ants or other pests, dispose of them safely.

Small Objects—Kittens are extremely curious, so put away small items, such as buttons, needles, thread, dental floss, elastic bands, and earplugs. This will prevent your kitten from swallowing any objects it could choke on. You’ll also want to check to be sure any breakable items are out of reach to kittens.

Hiding Places—Kittens tend to hide in places like laundry baskets, tumble dryers and under furniture. Spot the areas where your kitten’s likely to hide and either block them off or be careful as you move around your home to ensure they don’t get trapped. Be aware that chairs or gliders can crush an unwary kitten.

Supplies You’ll Need for Your Kitten:

Be prepared. Have essential supplies on hand before your furry friend arrives if you can. The first few days with a new kitten are the best time for bonding and forming good habits. Here are some of the essentials we recommend you’ll need for your new kitten:

–       Food and water bowl

–       Carrier

–       Bedding

–       Collar and ID tags

–       Litterbox and litter

–       Kitten food

–       Grooming equipment – Cat brush and/or flea comb, and nail clippers

–       Toothbrush and pet-safe toothpaste

–       Scratching post and kitten-safe toys

–       Cat tree

Choosing the Right Food for Your New Kitten:

Choosing the right food for your kitten is essential. As they grow, they need a precise balance of nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals, at each stage. The first year of a cat’s life sets the pace for their future development, health, and well-being.

At first, give them the same brand of food they’ve been eating from their previous home to avoid issues from a sudden diet change. Start by gradually mixing small amounts of the new food in with the current diet, increasing the amount of the new food each day over seven to ten days. Chat with one of our Experts in-store for more information on getting your furry friend started on the right diet. We are here to help!

Provide your kitten with plenty of clean, fresh water. Change the water each day, and consider investing in a low-cost “cat fountain” which recirculates water and is often more attractive to kittens than a simple bowl.

During your next visit to Feeds’n Needs, ask us about our Free Pet Food Loyalty Program – Yes, FREE! Your pet deserves the best, which is why we have a large variety of quality brands to suit every need throughout your pet’s life. For most of our brands in-store, every 12 bags of pet food purchased, you will receive the 13th FREE. Ask our Experts how to sign up and start saving today because it’s not just your pet who deserves to be treated!

Introducing Your New Kitten to Other Household Pets:

During the initial adjustment period (at least seven to ten days), it is a good idea to confine your new kitten to a small room in your house. This room must be kitten-proofed entirely, as it should be the only room you leave your kitten in unsupervised at first. This gives your kitten a safe space to explore while you gradually introduce it to the rest of your home. This is especially important if you have other pets at home; it’s important to introduce pets in a safe and controlled way. Let pets get used to each other through a baby gate or with the new pet crated. Keep their initial interactions short and supervised.

Now that you have tips on preparing for your new kitten, you’re ready to bring your furry friend home! Visit your local Feeds’n Needs and chat with our Experts. Whether it is training tips, toy recommendations, or choosing the perfect food to suit your pet’s needs, you can count on our team to happily help you every step of the way! Also, be sure to ask us about our New Pet Parent brochure and savings! We are here to help get you and your furry friend off to a great start!


Disclaimer: Product availability and selection may vary by store. Please check your local store for availability.

For more helpful tips and tricks for cat owners, check out other blogs:
Dental Health Tips for Your Cat
Outdoor Safety for Indoor Cats
New Pet Essentials

How to Keep Wild Animals Out of Your Garden

Growing a garden requires lots of time and dedication, so it can be frustrating when wild animals come along and help themselves to your plants! Getting rid of these pests can be tricky but not impossible, and as long as you know what type of animal intruder you’re dealing with, you can find a solution to keep them out!

Repellants – Repellants are applied on or around plants to deter animals from snacking in your garden. Since not all repellants are food-safe, be sure to read the label before applying it to any fruits or vegetables. Reapply every 5 – 7 days since they can lose their effectiveness over time, or rain can wash the repellants away.

There are two types of animal repellants typically sold in stores:

  • Taste: These repellants contain ingredients that taste bad to animals, so when an animal tries to nibble on your plants, it will be met with a foul taste that won’t have it coming back for seconds.
  • Smell: These repellants are formulated to trick pesky wildlife into thinking that a rival animal or predator is already in the area by producing a scent that mimics other animals.

A longtime customer favourite for repelling thieving wildlife is Critter Ridder animal repellant. Available in granular or liquid formulations, Critter Ridder’s foul taste effectively repels unwanted animals when applied on or around plants.

Fencing – Animals can’t eat what’s growing in your garden if they can’t get to it. When done right, building a fence is one of the most effective ways to keep out pests. The key to protecting your garden with a fence is knowing what animals you need to keep out. Fences can be built from materials like chicken wire, hardware cloth, wood, plastic mesh, etc. They can be a permanent installation or set up temporarily during the gardening season. Regardless of what you use to build your fence and how tall you make it, we recommend extending it into the ground by at least one foot to prevent pests like groundhogs from burrowing underneath it. Visit your local Feeds’n Needs to see our selection of fencing options and ask our experts which one may work best for you.

Scare Tactics – Another way to deter wildlife in your garden is to scare them away. Things like scarecrows, motion sensor lights or sprinklers, reflective tape or faux predator decoys can spook animals and prevent them from coming near your garden. These tools may lose effectiveness over time as animals become familiar with them, so frequently switching up your scare methods and moving things around can help maintain the element of surprise. Find products like scare-eye balloons, buzzline bird scarers and more at Feeds’n Needs and say goodbye to pests around your home!

Plants – Did you know certain plants can help keep animals away from your garden? Like us, animals have food preferences, and most aren’t fans of plants that are incredibly fragrant, have fuzzy or prickly foliage, or have a bitter taste. Try planting some of these fragrant plants around your garden to help deter unwanted wildlife:

  • Lavender
  • Marigolds
  • Sage
  • Mint (Be careful when planting mint, as it can quickly take over your yard!)
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Geraniums
  • Lemongrass

Raised Garden Beds – Depending on what type of animal you’re trying to deter, planting in raised garden beds or window boxes may help prevent damage from pests. You can even go a step further and put fencing around your raised beds to protect your plants from deer and other wildlife that could easily reach a raised bed.

Contain Garbage, Compost, Birdseed – Keep bins of garbage, compost, birdseed, or other food sources secure in sealed containers to prevent pests like raccoons, skunks, and squirrels from sniffing it out and drawing them into your yard.

Our experts want to help you get the most out of your garden this year, so stop in at your local Feeds’n Needs to find the supplies you need to keep the pests away! While you’re there, remember to check out our garden section and stock up on Vesey’s seeds, fertilizers, gardening tools and more!

Disclaimer: Product availability and selection may vary by store. Please check your local store for availability.

Looking for more gardening tips and tricks? Check out our other blogs!
What Type of Garden Best Suits Your Needs
Starting Seeds Indoors Using Peat Pellets
Gardening Tips for Beginners