Becky Dauphinee

Store Manager, Windsor NS

Outdoor Safety For Indoor Cats

Outdoor Safety for Indoor Cats

Outdoor Safety For Indoor Cats

15 04 2020 +

If you’re a homebody, you can probably relate to your indoor cat when it comes to going outside or leaving your house. Many owners with indoor cats are concerned when it comes to letting them out of the house, so we wanted to provide a few tips and tricks to help your cat used to going outdoors safely.

Feeds’n Needs Windsor relocates to 48 Morison Drive


Feeds’n Needs Windsor relocates to 48 Morison Drive

27 11 2018 +

After twenty years, our Feeds’n Needs in Windsor Nova Scotia has a new place to call home. The team celebrated the grand opening in November 2018, and has seen nothing but positive change happening since. We chatted with Becky Dauphinee, our Winsor Store Manager to get her thoughts on the store’s transition and their fresh new look! Here is what she had to say.